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Powerful Energy Security Solutions.

Generate. Store. Control.
Home, Church, or Business
Virginia Homeowners

Investing in solar energy can significantly reduce your utility bills, Virginia offers several incentives for homeowners who switch to solar energy, making it a smart and sustainable choice for your home. Performance Solar offers Powerful Energy Security Solutions.

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Utility Bill Slider

Potential Annual Return: $660.00

Utility Bill: $100

We Sell Solar as it Should be sold!
Don't get left in the dark

—Our Solar Plus Storage Solutions Give You Power Day And Night!

  • dall·e 2024-06-01 18.21.13 - a simplified chalk drawing on a blackboard representing the concept of 'generate' in the context of solar energy. the drawing features a basic solar p.png


    When it comes to generating power on-site, solar panels are your best friend. They capture sunlight and turn it into electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells. This setup provides you with a reliable and sustainable power source, ensuring you have electricity without relying solely on external grids.

    Key Points:

    • Your solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into DC electricity.
    • Inverters then convert this DC electricity into AC electricity, which you can use in your home or business.
    • Your solar power can be used immediately or stored for later.

  • dall·e 2024-06-01 18.25.11 - a simplified chalk drawing on a blackboard representing the concept of 'store' in the context of solar energy. the drawing features a basic modern lit.png


    To make sure you always have power, even when the sun isn't shining, you need an efficient energy storage system. Your setup will use batteries to store any excess energy generated during the day. This means you'll have a continuous and reliable power supply, day and night, boosting your energy security.

    Key Points:

    • Your batteries store excess solar energy generated during sunny days.
    • You can use this stored energy during the night or when it's cloudy.
    • An efficient storage system helps balance your energy supply and demand, reducing your dependence on the grid.

  • dall·e 2024-06-01 19.35.51 - a simplified chalk drawing on a blackboard representing the concept of 'control' in the context of solar energy. the drawing features a basic represen.png


    Managing your energy generation and storage is crucial for optimizing usage. With advanced control systems and software, you can monitor and manage the flow of electricity in real-time. This ensures efficient distribution, load balancing, and smooth integration with the main grid, reducing the risk of power shortages and outages.

    Key Points:

    • Your control systems optimize the use of generated and stored energy.
    • Integration with the grid allows you to feed excess energy back, thanks to net metering.
    • Smart energy management systems provide you with real-time data and insights for better decision-making, enhancing the overall security of your energy supply.

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We Treat Clients as They Should Be Treated!

Performance Solar is a Leader in solutions for churches, commercial clients nationwide, and residential customers in Virginia.

  • Home

    Harnessing the sun's power and storing it for later use is an attractive option for Virginia homeowners. Performance Solar in Harrisonburg offers solar plus storage systems that combine solar panel energy with battery storage. This approach follows our "Generate. Store. Control." philosophy.

    • Generate: Solar panels capture sunlight.
    • Store: Inverters convert sunlight to usable AC electricity and batteries store excess energy.
    • Control: Ensures power during outages, reduces reliance on the grid, and cuts utility bills.
    • Advanced control systems manage your energy usage efficiently.
    • Provides real-time data for optimal energy consumption and enhanced energy security.
  • Church

    For churches nationwide, adopting solar plus storage systems with Performance Solar is a smart move. Our "Generate. Store. Control." approach helps reduce electricity costs and ensure reliable power.

    • Generate: Solar panels capture sunlight.
    • Store: Inverters convert it to AC electricity, and batteries store excess energy.
    • Control: Guarantees uninterrupted power during services and events, even during outages.
    • Direct Pay Advantage: The Inflation Reduction Act offers direct pay (cash) incentives for churches, making it financially viable to adopt solar plus storage systems.
  • Business

    Businesses across the country can benefit from Performance Solar’s solar plus storage systems. Our "Generate. Store. Control." philosophy helps companies generate their own electricity, cut costs, and boost energy security.

    • Generate: Solar panels capture sunlight.
    • Store: Inverters convert it to AC electricity, and batteries store excess energy.
    • Control: Stored energy can be used during peak hours to lower demand charges and during outages for continuity.
    • Incentives: Businesses can have 40% to 60% of the system cost covered through various incentives, significantly reducing the financial burden.